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国外薪酬谈判计划指南(pdf 19页)


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Brought to you by PayScale, Inc. -- www.payscale.com
If you are reading this guide, chances are that you will be participating in some kind of salary
negotiation in the near future. Congratulations, that means that you now have a golden opportunity to make more money, and this guide will tell you how. Whether that negotiation is for a new job or simply part of your company’s normal review process this guide is for you! Here, you will find the basic concepts found in my book, Negotiating Your Salary: How to Make $1,000 a Minute, techniques proven to help people increase their salaries. Plus, at the end of this guide is a list of 13 proven negotiating tips that everyone should know before starting any salary negotiation.
We’ll start with the four basic tenets of salary negotiation: everything is negotiable; the first offer you hear is rarely the best offer; even “take it or leave it” offers can be improved; and finally, even the best scientific and statistical analysis of your salary level still has wiggle room. Next we’ll cover the five basic rules of salary negotiation and the salary-equation gold mine. Finally, we will take a broad look at the often overlooked aspects of salary, benefits and perks that help to make up a promising total compensation package.
With a little investment of time, you will soon learn what you need to know to successfully increase your salary.

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竞争性商务谈判文件(doc 56页)

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