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饮食行业对组织内人力资源的管理研讨(ppt 76页)


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一、Managers and the Human Resource Management Process 
二、Personnel management VS. Human resource management 
三、Human Resource Management Process 
四、The Strategic HRM Process 
六、Employment planning 
七、Recruitment and selection 
八、The Effectiveness of Interviews 
九、Selection Devices (cont’d) 
十、Orientation, Training, and Development 


Managers and the Human Resource Management Process
Human resource management (HRM): The management function that is concerned with getting, training, motivating, and keeping competent employees.

Recruitment and selection
Recruitment: The process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable applicants.
Selection process: The process of screening job applicants to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired.
Reliability: The degree to which a selection device measures the same thing consistently.
Validity: The proven relationship between a selection device and some relevant criterion.
Performance-simulation tests: Selection devices that are based on actual job behaviors; work sampling and assessment centers.

Orientation, Training, and Development
Orientation(引导-新生训练): The introduction of a new employee to the job and the organization.对新进员工提供公司的基本信息,使员工能早一点进入工作状况
Orientation 的技术
Training: 提供新进员工或现职员工工作所需的技能  


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