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某汽车公司顾客满意培训(英文版)(ppt 25页)


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Why Needs Customer Satisfaction ?
It was proven strong correlation between “Completely Satisfied” customers and owner loyalty : a customer will recommend his/her friends to purchase the product/service he/she experienced.
Harvard Business School study findings :
Firms with higher level of customer loyalty (not market share) enjoy higher profitability in a given industry .     Profit will increase by 25% ~ 85% from 5% increase in customer loyalty.
Firms become more profitable overtime due to loyal customers.
Loyal Customer vs. Sales Cycle – Ford Research
Cost of acquiring new customers is 5 times the cost to retain existing ones.
Frequent of Customer Contact Point.
Sales : one time for new car buyer.
Service : eight times for car service.
Factors that affect a customer re-purchase to your product 80% comes from high satisfaction of service experiences.

上一篇:看的技巧之预测顾客的需求(ppt 20页)

下一篇:赢得客户忠诚的五个关键点(ppt 105页)

如何创造满意的客户服务培训讲义(ppt 41页)

浅议国外券商经纪服务模式(DOC 6)

怎样解决客户深度接触率的问题(doc 8页)

循环水保养培训教材(PPT 43页)

某汽车公司特约店客服经理培训(pdf 39页)

顾客流失的预测分析(PDF 36页)

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