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论以股权为基础的薪酬制度(ppt 29页)


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Alignment of shareholders and employees’ incentive opportunities统一股东和员工的奖励机会
Forges tighter bond between executives and other employees, as all can be put on a common incentive platform将管理层和其他员工的薪酬制度紧密结合,使公司所有员工的激励机制趋于统一
Motivate broad group of employees to work toward common goal—inspires teamwork鼓励广大员工向共同的目标前进 - 鼓励团队协作精神

Many companies go much deeper许多公司做得更加深入
“All-employee” option plans“全体员工”的期权计划
Hi-tech, start-ups, IPOs高科技、创业公司、IPOs公司
Recent data suggests that well over 6 million U.S. employees have received stock options (up from 2.5 million in 1992)最新数据显示,现已有超过600万的美国员工持有公司股权(从1992年的250万不断上升)

Growth in use of stock options and other share-based plans has resulted in big dilution levels股票期权和其他以股票为基础的计划的广泛应用导致了股权稀释度增加
10%–12% “overhang” 1 is now typical10%–12%的 “剩余股票率”1 如今十分普遍
Many companies are approaching 20% overhang很多公司采用20%的“剩余股票率”的做法



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