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Writing Business Messages(英文版)(ppt 117页)


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Writing Business Messages(英文版)内容提要:
Good organization for audience
Increasing reader understanding.
Successful organization is the key to communicating effectively with audiences. By making your main point clear at the outset and stating your needs precisely, your well-organized message will satisfy your audience’s need for information.
Making readers more receptive to your message.
Select and organize your points in a diplomatic(有策略的) way. By soft-ening refusals(拒绝) and leaving a good impression, you enhance your credibility(可信度) and add authority to your messages.
Saving readers time.
Audience members receive only the information they need, and because that information is presented as accessibly(可亲近的) and succinctly(简洁的) as possible, they can follow the thought pattern without a struggle.

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