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企业横向战略分析(英文版)(ppt 23页)


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1.The Growing Importance of Horizontal Strategy
2.Intrrelationships Among Business Units
3.The Steps of Formulating Horizontal Strategy
4.Interrelationships and Diversification Strategy
5.Organizational Mechanisms for Achieving Interrelationships
6.How to Manage Horizontal Organization?


Horizontal strategy is a coordinated set of goals and policies across distinct but interrelated business units. It is required at the group, sector, and corporate levels of a diversified firm. It does not replace or eliminate the need for separate business and/or business unit strategies. Rather, horizontal strategy provides for explicit coordination among business units that makes corporate or group strategy more than the sum of the individual business unit strategies.

Trace tangible interrelationships outside the boundaries of the firm.
A firm will rarely compete in all the industries that are related to its current business units. Thus, it is necessary to identify interrelationships between a firm’s existing business units and other industries not currently in its portfolio.

Diversification and Corporate Resources
Diversification is a means to widen a firm’s stock of assets and skills by expanding the perimeter of the value activities in which it participates.
The best diversification is that which does both----it reinforces the firm’s existing strengths and creates the basis for new ones.


上一篇:论纵向一体化的战略分析(英文版)(ppt 15页

下一篇:论虚拟组织的战略分析(ppt 21页)

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