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What Culture Is(英文版)(ppt 22页)


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What Culture Is(英文版)内容提要:
People who share common values will help each other, generating teamwork and adding value through shared solutions
Creative people can work efficiently on their own toward commonly held goals and can share the long time horizons needed for innovative success
People at distant points in the organisation can be trusted to use their intuition to solve problems in ways that are consistent with organisation purposes
People work harder to fulfill values they believe in, thus enhancing personal motivation and enterprise productivity
Common values create group identity, improve morale, and eliminate the need for more detailed controls
Commonly held values tend to minimise squabbles, decrease internal friction, and reduce time needed to manage them
High-morale organisations will band together, and work intensively to solve critical problems



上一篇:某电信企业文化培训(ppt 24页)

下一篇:《联想企业文化管理手册》(doc 31页)

企业文化专题培训讲座(ppt 100页)

企业文化的基本理论(doc 58页)

海尔集团的企业文化(doc 53页)

论施工企业的安全文化(doc 7页)

企业文化的建设与管理课件(PPT 59页)

关于企业文化箴言(doc 11页)

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