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茶馆选址及营销计划英文版(doc 13)


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一、Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………2
二、History and brief analyze of tea………… …………………………………………… 2
三、Name and location of the Teashop ……………………………………………………4
四、The teashop’s special characteristics and its market-oriented mission ……………….5
五、The investment and profits analysis……………  ………… …………………………7
六、Conclusion …………………………………………  ………………………………...7
七、References…………………………………………… ……………………………….8
八、Local teashop observation sheet……………………… ………………………………9
九、Teashop name and some picture…………………………………………………….back


Toronto is famous for its multi-culture. There are many different nations in this city. Among these nations, Indian and Chinese immigrants are the most.  Many Chinese or Indian people love to have a cup of traditional tea, instead of coffee during the day. They are not used to going to Tim Horton or Starbucks for meeting their friends and spent time alone. They need a place they can feel comfortable, and Asian. A tea place for ethnic community to social is on demand.


上一篇:某品牌酒销售商业计划书(doc 16页)

下一篇:营销活动方案计划及进度(doc 36页)

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香妆产品的开发方案与营销规划(doc 21页)

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怎样在媒介购买中完美的实现媒介计划(ppt 50页)

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