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顾客满意度指数测评体系报告(英文版)(ppt 28页)


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1、Pig-iron production
2、Coal production
3、Railroad operating income
4、Rail freight
5、Etc. …

     Satisfied customers are an economic asset that yields future cash flows These cash flows can be calculated as discounted present value Costs to grow the customer asset base are investments Skillful management of the customer asset is essential for long-term profitability。
     Quality of economic output is essential to living standards Customer satisfaction is a leading indicator of company economic performance Customer satisfaction contributes to economic growth and job creation Necessary measure for CPI, productivity, and ltimately, GDP。
      Approximately one million sampled randomly creened: Recent experience as a customer of the selected companies Approximately 250,000 completed interviews。
     An asset must have a relevant attribute that can be measured in monetary terms with sufficient reliability. (FASB)“One clear driver of wealth production is customer satisfaction.” (Commissioner Steven Wallman, Securities and Exchange Commission, 1997) If true, there should be a relationship between changes in the expected discounted present value of the future income stream that customer satisfaction will generate and changes in the ACSI.





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