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市场营销-得到客户和留住客户的艺术(PPT 36页)


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下载要求:10 学币或VIP


Overall objectives
At the conclusion of the course, students should be capable of:
Understanding, listing, and explaining the factors, which constrain and provide opportunities for marketing.
Developing the frameworks that formulates marketing strategies.
Researching market potentials.
Designing marketing mix to entry and penetrate markets.


上一篇:麦肯锡:大客户营销谋略(PPT 159页)

下一篇:关系营销—客户开发营销(PPT 24页)

顾客关系管理之导论与应用(ppt 31页)

客户拓展的重要性、方法与步骤(ppt 29页)

广告公司客户服务的内部运作(PPT 21页)

客户精确细分在电信行业的实证研究(pdf 67页)

彩色喷墨打印机市场用户喜爱度和价格分析报告(doc 7)

客户关系的维护讲义课件(ppt 17页)

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