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IBM为华为做的客户需求分析讲义(英文版)(ppt 23页)


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In order to obtain a COMPLETE VIEW of what important improvements are needed in the total supply chain, it is crucial to include the view of the customers
The ISC project took 2 approaches:
1、Looking from within, through the eyes of the consultants and the from internal Huawei's staff observation
2、Looking from without, through the eyes of the customers, who are the final decision makers of Huawei's success
We want to find out Huawei customers perceptions on:
1、desired wants and needs - from the stage of evaluating to buy a telecommunication network product to the final stage of using that product
2、Huawei performance in these areas
3、Best of Breed competitor performance in these areas


上一篇:创造客户价值的管理训练课程(ppt 30页)

下一篇:如何从顾客抱怨中创造机会(ppt 39页)

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