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工作分析综合论述(英文版)(ppt 57页)


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Job Analysis
The process of gathering, analyzing, and structuring information about the content, context, and the human requirements of jobs.
The systematic process of determining the skills, duties, and knowledge required for performing jobs in an organization.
The process of gathering, analyzing, and structuring information about a job’s components, characteristics, and job requirements.
Producing the job description (task, duties, and responsibilities) and job specification (KSAOs)

Important Job Analysis Terms:
Task:a distinct, identifiable work activity composed of motions
Duty: a larger work segment composed of several tasks that are performed by an individual.
Responsibility: an obligation to perform certain tasks and duties.
Position: set of tasks and duties performed by single individual
The different duties and responsibilities performed by only one employee
Job: group of positions that are identical with respect to their major significant tasks and sufficiently alike to be covered by single analysis
A group of related activities and duties
Job Family: A group of individual jobs with similar characteristics
Occupation: general class of jobs
Career: sequence of jobs held by individual throughout lifetime

Performing Job Analysis:
Select jobs to study
Determine information to collect: Tasks, responsibilities, skill requirements
Identify sources of data: Employees, supervisors/managers
Methods of data collection: Interviews, questionnaires, observation, diaries and records
Evaluate and verify data collection: Other employees, supervisors/managers
Write job analysis report



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