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BCG面试实例(PPT 27页)


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Your client is the largest discount retailer in Canada, with 500 stores spread throughout the country. Let‘s call it “CanadaCo.” For several years running, Canada Co has surpassed the second largest Canadian retailer (300 stores) in both relative market share and profitability.
The largest discount retailer in the United States, "US Co," however, has just bought out Canada Co's competition and is planning to convert all 300 stores to USCo stores. The CEO of CanadaCo is quite perturbed by this turn of events, and asks you the following questions: "Should I be worried? How should I react?" How would you advise the CEO?
US Co是美国最大的折扣零售集团。它收购了第二大的零售公司,准备将其拥有的300家店全部改造成US Co连锁店的形式。 CanadaCo集团的CEO对此深感忧虑,他向你这样问到:“我应该对事态的发展担忧吗?应该如何应对呢”




上一篇:波士顿《BCG面试实例》(PPT 27页)

下一篇:面试问题样例(PDF 21页)

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