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绩效管理讲座(doc 16)


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Peter is Chief Executive Officer for a medical supply multinational that recently crafted a new strategy to counter competitive threats. The plan stressed the need to cut cycle time, concentrate sales on higher-margin products and develop new markets.


Four months after circulating the plan, Peter did a “walkaround” to see how things were going.  He was appalled. Everywhere Peter turned people, departments—whole business units—simply didn’t “get it.”


First surprise: Engineering.  The group had cut product design time 30%, meeting its goal to increase speed-to-market.  Good.  Then Peter asked how manufacturing would be affected.  It turned out the new design would take much more time to make.  Total cycle time actually increased.  “Our strategic plan message is not really getting through,” Peter thought.


上一篇:绩效管理绩效考核的生命线1(doc 41)

下一篇:绩效管理教材(ppt 148)

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绩效考核与绩效管理培训课程(ppt 134页)


绩效管理操作手册(DOC 45页)

压力容器设计审批人员考核(doc 9页)


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