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德勤的战略柔性四步骤英文(pdf 8页)


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Nothing like a multi-billion dollar question to start a conversation. But this is exactly the issue that has monopolized much of senior management’s attention at a major telecom company for over two years. Now, they think they finally have an answer to their problem — thanks to a strategy engagement with Deloitte Consulting.
In a nine-week project, Deloitte Consulting helped this telecom giant decide how to navigate broadband’s unpredictable future — no small feat in an arena where each turn of the rudder, each strategic adjustment, could cost millions, if not billions, to execute. How did we do it? By replacing strategic commitment —a lopsided bet on a single, stubborn vision of tomorrow — with strategic flexibility: a framework nearly four years in the making, developed at Harvard and client tested, that helps companies prepare for futures they cannot predict.
This major telecom has discovered the power of Strategic Flexibility. We have developed this Website so that you can, too.
The best introduction begins in the marketplace itself, where the future defies prediction.

上一篇:战略管理会计的本质研究和特点分析(doc 1

下一篇:浅谈战略管理会计(doc 17页)

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