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某地区咨询战略管理知识分析方案(英文版)(PPT 49页)


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某地区咨询战略管理知识分析方案(英文版)(PPT 49页)目录:

1、Using ratios
2、Types of key ratios
8、Return on Equity
9、Ratio exercises
10、Forecasting exercise
12、Key takeaways


某地区咨询战略管理知识分析方案(英文版)(PPT 49页)简介:

Profitability (or margin) ratios are a function of both the industry and a company's position within the industry
boundaries are set by the operating characteristics of the industry
within these boundaries profitability ratios are determined by a player’s relative position

Bain typically uses gross profit and operating profit to measure profitability
ROS can be altered by non-operating activities, such as sources of financing or tax rate manipulations

Extraordinary items, because they are for unusual events, such as discontinued items or asset sales, are excluded when we analyze the performance of the base business
Gross profit margin should stay constant or increase because cost of goods sold should be a constant percent of sales or should decrease as company gets price increases and/or volume discounts
Operating margin should increase as fixed administrative and sales costs are spread over a greater number of units
Effective tax rate should stay constant or decrease since a larger firm is able to take advantage of more tax shelters


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