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谈判与冲突管理英文(ppt 22页)


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0Negotiation: an interpersonal decision-making process by which two or more people agree how to allocate scarce resources.
Why occur
to create something new that neither party could do on his or her own
to resolve a problem or dispute between the parties
Manager is negotiator
Dynamic nature of business
Information age
Characteristics of negotiation
Two or more parties
conflict of interest between two or more parties
voluntary process and a strategy pursued by choice
no  fixed or established set of rules or prefer to invent their own
give and take
both intangibles and tangibles are concerned
Nature of Negotiation---Interdependence
Mutual dependency(goal) and mutual adjustment(process)
Actual structure of interdependence Vs. perceived interdependence
Dilemma in negotiation
dilemma of honesty
dilemma of trust
Building trust (efforts on the perception of the outcome and efforts on the process)



上一篇:谈判中巧用约哈里窗口(doc 6页)

下一篇:管理沟通:谈判(ppt 35页)

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谈判高手必知的谈判要点(ppt 58页)

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