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福特ABC成本培训材料(英文版)(ppt 36页)


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GRIMM Equipment Representation;
Currently the database represents over 400 equipment manufacturers, and approximately 1600 machines, 2300 raw materials, & 2900 SBOC’s. (Standard Bought Out Components)
New technologies are being studied and continually added to the database.
This system is shared globally, compiling data from 9 countries/regions
United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Mexico; Domestic and Maquiladora, Spain, and Portugual.
Machines and Materials are updated annually. Raw material suppliers are contacted every year, and the new cost is entered into the system. Machine manufactures are contacted on a three year cycle. During the preceding two years, the PPI (Purchased Price Index, supplied by the Bureau of Labor Statistics) is utilized to update cost on an annual basis. The PPI method of updating has proved to be very accurate, within  1/2% of the new quotes from the manufacturers.
Labor specifically identified with a  value-added step in the manufacturing process. Each year, during an economic adjustment, information is gathered from the following resources. Rates are developed based on the average wage in the commodity. This includes union and non-union shops, and all regions in the targeted country. They are not intended to reflect any one particular supplier, but are intended to cover the range of labor cost paid by efficient suppliers.


上一篇:成本管理的概念与作用(ppt 81页)

下一篇:成本计划的内容与编制方法(ppt 118页)

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