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各大公司企业文化概述(ppt 50页)


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1 Wal-Mart Stores沃尔玛美国商业零售
2 General Electric通用电气美国电子电气
3 Microsoft微软美国软件
4 Dell Computer戴尔电脑美国计算机
5 Johnson & Johnson强生美国
6 Berkshire Hathaway伯克希尔哈撒韦美国保险
7 Procter & Gamble宝洁美国家用化学
8 IBM国际商用机器美国计算机
9 Coca-Cola可口可乐美国饮料
10 FedEx联邦快递美国邮递包裹货运
11 Toyota Motor丰田汽车日本汽车
12 BMW宝马德国汽车
13 Sony索尼日本电子产品
14 Pfizer辉瑞美国制药
15 Intel英特尔美国半导体
16 United Parcel Service
17 Home Depot家庭百货美国家居超市
18 Nokia诺基亚芬兰通讯产品
19 Nestle雀巢瑞士食品
20 PepsiCo百事美国饮料
21 Singapore Airlines新加坡航空新加坡航空公司
22 Cisco Systems思科系统美国通讯设备
23 L'Oreal欧莱雅法国化妆品
24 Merck默克美国制药
25 Citigroup花旗集团美国金融服务
26 Honda Motor某汽车公司日本汽车
27 American International Group    美国国际集团美国财产保险
28 Target 塔吉特美国零售
29 Walt Disney沃特迪斯尼美国娱乐
30 Colgate-Palmolive高露洁棕榄美国家用化学
31 BP英国石油英国炼油
32 Exxon Mobil埃克森美孚美国炼油
33 Royal Dutch/Shell Group
34 Anheuser-Busch安海斯布希美国饮料
35 Northwestern Mutual西北相互保险美国人寿保险
36 DuPont杜邦美国化学
37 Volkswagen大众德国汽车
38 Costco Wholesale美国零售
39 Caterpillar卡特彼乐美国工农业设备
40 Walgreen沃尔格林美国零售
41 Unilever联合利华英国/荷兰家用化学
42 Lowe's洛斯美国保险
43 Boeing波音美国航空航天设备
44 Michelin米其林美国轮胎橡胶
45 Continental Airlines大陆航空美国航空公司
46 SBC Communications西南贝尔电信美国电信
47 Emerson Electric艾默生电气美国电子电气
48 General Motors通用汽车美国汽车
49 TIAA-CREF美国教师退休基金会美国人寿保险
50 HSBC Holdings汇丰控股英国银行


We respect our P&G colleagues, customers, and consumers, and treat them as we want to be treated.
We have confidence in each other's capabilities and intentions.
We believe that people work best when there is a foundation of trust.
We accept personal accountability to meet our business needs, improve our systems, and help others improve their effectiveness.
We all act like owners, treating the Company's assets as our own and behaving with the Company's long-term success in mind.
We are determined to be the best at doing what matters most.
We have a healthy dissatisfaction with the status quo.
We have a compelling desire to improve and to win in the marketplace.
We believe that doing what is right for the business with integrity will lead to mutual success for both the Company and the individual. Our quest for mutual success ties us together.
We encourage stock ownership and ownership behavior.


上一篇:华尔润集团企业文化调研分析报告(ppt 72页

下一篇:企业文化专题培训讲座(ppt 100页)

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