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翰威特项目建议书(ppt 77页)


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About this Material关于这份材料
In response to “Neusoft” invitation, Hewitt provide in this material our suggested project approach to help Neusoft build up the world-wide standard human resource management system, which will be especially focused on the job design/evaluation, compensation design and performance management. This documentation demonstrates how we will proceed this project. We also emphasize our understandings upon your needs, our methodologies for the fulfillment and some detailed issues during the co-operation between Neusoft and Hewitt.
The suggested project approach adopts some successful ideas and procedures which have been proved in other human resource consulting projects. We acknowledge that you will have some modifications based on our suggestions to ensure the success  of this project. We look forward to getting your input. 这个建议的过程采纳了一些其他人力资源发展项目中运行较好的步骤。我们认识到为了保证项目的成功运作你们可能会对我们所提出的设计方案做出相应的改动。我们随时欢迎贵公司的指导,并希望贵方提出你们的想法以改进我们的建议方案。
About Hewitt Associates 关于翰威特公司
Our Understanding of Your Situation 对贵公司情况的理解
Linking HR Issues to Business 人力资源问题与公司业务相结合
Considering Factors in Design and Implementation设计和实施所要考虑的因素
Our Suggested Approach 我们的设计方案
Our Consulting Team 我们的咨询团队
Our Experience in Telecom Industry in Asia Pacific我们在亚太区电信业上的经验
Fee and Timing 费用与时间结构

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