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康柏企业文化整合方案(英文版)(ppt 29页)


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1. comparing and contrasting pre-merge hp and compaq
2. definitions
similarities - things that the people in each company perceived about themselves that matched the other company
differences - things that the people in each company perceived about themselves that were at odds with the other company
unique commentary - things that people in each company expressed very often which those in the other company talked much less about
3. the findings reflect perceptions
hp on hp
proud about HP legacy
industry consolidating
disadvantaged in supply chain and overhead costs
good products
unique commentary
pride in success linked to innovation
technical/engineering heritage
good reputation with customers
power historically with the business and the back end
compaq on compaq
strong brand, products and services
industry consolidating
disadvantaged in supply chain and overhead costs
good products
unique commentary
historically fast, nimble, and able to execute
traditionally short-term focused
fast growth through new business model
redefined computing landscape

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