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某美国分公司经营管理资料(英文版)(ppt 39页)


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Life Cycle Management is largely  about building brands over time – by incremental investments in value creating activities to maximize  the value of a compound
Building a business based on a great product idea/brand –
not just launch an innovation
Setting ambition level
Early cross functional agreement on vision for the product (target label)
Invest with a venture capitalist mindset
Deliver against timeline
Focus on what is important
Continuously enhance competitive differentiation
Clinical development entirely focused on value creation (e.g., most important indications)
Setting ambition level
Shape the market early and actively
Clear and consistent messages in communication/PR strategies
Recognize regional differences in key markets
Clear and broad perspective on resources required to shape the market
Ensure tight link between R&D strategy and market strategy
Setting ambition level
Have a consistent and transparent commercialization process
Market leading where it really matters
Strong motivation among employees  to bring product to market
Partnership/ communications across functions/teams/MCs
Timely training of all relevant employees

上一篇:OEC管理法的构成与运行程序(ppt 59页)

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