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矩阵式项目管理(英文版)(ppt 37页)


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It is not sufficient to produce software defect metrics - like how many raised, how many outstanding, fixed by severity and urgency.
We must prove that the activities of the test team are a cost effective and efficient use of staff.
Test Metrics Without Tears - David Vaughn
Why Metrics?
Establish a measurement and continous improvement culture across the company.
Improved quality of software accepted into production
Help management and employees make well-informed and decisions
Alert management about risks to project goals, schedules and software quality
Provides an objective assessment of the state of the software
Why Metrics? Continued
Metrics provide inputs for future estimations and planning
The actual performance of the past in quantitative terms becomes a starting point for future estimates
Helps in setting goals and targets
Better resource planning
Metrics identify the areas for improvements
For example, metrics can identify the phase which introduces the maximum number of errors
Metrics can be used to eliminate problem areas and root causes
Must be clearly defined and POSITIVE
Driven by critical business objectives
Measures at the enterprise, program, project and application levels
Provide quantitative information of key drivers (i.e. schedule, estimating accuracy, defects) that improves decision making in time to affect the business outcome and successful management of a project

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