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电子教学项目(ppt 25页)(英文版)


文件大小:214 KB

下载要求:10 学币或VIP


- reduce training cost per head (increase 20-25%)
- learning gains (increase 56%)
- consistency of presentation
- timeliness of information delivery
- faster completion of training (increase 30%)
- content retention (increase 25 – 30%)
- control over course management
- self discipline required
- bandwidth/browser limitations
- new software & procedure
Organize high profile champion to promote e-learning
eg. get CEO to specific e-learning target
Laying out the benefits of e-learning:- train anytime anyplace- effective use of employee time- saving on costs


上一篇:如何开展项目(ppt 72页)

下一篇:信息化项目管理(doc 6页)

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