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品牌价值的强势优势(ppt 22页)(英文版)


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As one of the largest and fastest growing free zones, Jafza aspires to be the international business hub of the Middle East. We focus on long-term customer relationships, providing creative and innovative solutions for global industrial investors, and fostering alliances with them.
We offer our customers world-class infrastructure, value-added services and incentives. We further provide community amenities, enhancing a dynamic and thriving business environment.
The UAE's imports exceeded Dh185 billion in 2004
The imports have grown rapidly due to a constant growth in the non-oil economy, which accounts for more than a fifth of the UAE's total imports of goods
The UAE has emerged as a major re-export hub with 72 per cent of goods imported being re-exported to 160 countries


上一篇:品牌的人文意义与社会价值(doc 9页)


企业信息技术资源外包的价值与风险(doc 8页)

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关注大盘蓝筹股的投资价值(pdf 7页)

创造价值的管理方案研讨(ppt 59页)

顾客关系管理系统价值模型构建论文(PDF 168页)

纵向价值链分析的原则(ppt 45页)

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