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项目管理课程资料(ppt 106页)(英文版)


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一、Project management process
二、Project Planning
三、Project planning


Initiating processes--recognizing that a project or phase should begin or and committing to do so
Planning processes--devising and maintaining a workable scheme to accomplish the business need that the project undertaken to address
Executing processes--coordinating people and other resources to carry out the plan
Controlling processes--ensuring that project objectives are met by monitoring and measuring progress and taking corrective action when necessary
Closing processes--formalizing acceptance of the project or phase and bringing it to an orderly end
Planning is of major importance to a project because the project involves doing something which has not been done before.
The processes above are subject to to frequent iterations prior to competing the plan. For example, if the initial completion date is unacceptable, project resources, cost, or even scope may need to be redefined. In addition, planning is not an exact science--two different teams could generate very different plans for the same project.


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