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赢利经营和领导能力英文(ppt 34页)


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The profit pool is the total profit earned in an industry at all points along the industry’s value chain
Segment profitability may vary by customer group, product category, geographic market, or distribution channel
Profit concentration may be very different than revenue concentration
Shape of the profit pool reflects the competitive dynamics of a business
Interactions of companies and customers
Competitive strategies of competitors
Product pools are not stagnant
The automotive industry encompasses many value-chain activities.  The way that profits and revenues are distributed among these activities varies greatly.  The most profitable areas of the car business are not the ones that generate the biggest revenues.
Focus on growth and market share can lead a company to focus on unprofitable segments of an industry
Today’s deep revenue revenue pool may be tomorrow’s dry hole.
The goal should be to focus on profitable opportunities
Industry should be considered more broadly than traditional definition
Automobile industry includes
Component manufacture and supply
New car assembly and delivery
New car warrantee and service
New car financing and insurance
Used car sales and service


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