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Introduction of Six Sigma(ppt 47页)


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Introduction of Six Sigma内容摘要:
What is Six Sigma?
      Six Sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system for achieving, sustaining and maximizing business success.  It is uniquely driven by close understanding of customer needs, disciplined use of facts, data and statistical analysis, with diligent attention to managing, improving and reinventing business processes.
1) Six Sigma  —  A Statistical Measurement
      It provides a quantitative performance assessment of our products, services and processes.
      It allows for comparisons against other similar or dissimilar products, services and processes.
      It provides feedback on how far ahead or behind we are.
2) Six Sigma – A philosophy
      Six Sigma is about working smarter, not harder.
      Discover and neutralize harmful sources of variation



上一篇:六西格玛管理方法的概念与特征(ppt 34页)

下一篇:Six sigma的五个阶段与灵活运用(ppt 36页

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