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饮食行业国际职位评估系统研讨(ppt 54页)


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一、不清晰的职位等级Unclear Ranking of Positions
二、清晰的职位等级Clear Ranking of Positions
三、职位评估系统因素Position Evaluation Factors
四、职位评估系统分数 The IPE Points
五、职位评估系统七个因素的比重 The Weighting of IPE Factors
六、IPE 系统的应用Applications of IPE System
七、评估原则 Evaluation Rules
八、评估步骤Evaluation Process


机构规模 Size of Organization
The impact of a position vary much depends on the size of the organization职位对企业的影响随著机构的规模不同,而有明显的不同
What do we consider as an organization?如何定义组织机构?
a line function (e.g. sales, production) + two support functions(e.g. finance, human resources)
一个前线功能组别 (例如:销售,生产)
+ 两个支援功能组别 (例如: 财政, 人力资源)
The size of organization tables are in local currency and are updated each year, taking into account local inflation and exchange rate fluctuations (in relation to US$)
考虑地方通胀率和汇率浮动(兑美金)的因素, 机构规模查表以

下属人数 (直接和间接的) Number of Subordinates (direct and indirect)
gives an indication of the management qualifications required
consider the total number of employees for which the postion is responsible, both directly reporting and those reporting through subordinates
when subordinates clearly have two reporting lines, then the number of such subordinates should be divided by two
当下属清楚地向两方上级报告, 将这类下属的人数除二

IPE 系统的应用Applications of IPE System
A clear ranking of positions 明确分出职位的级别
A reliable base for an equitable salary structure 作为一个公平的工资结构的可靠依据
A global overview of relations between positions宏观的了解职位的相互关系
A starting point for position/person profiles 职位、任职者形象描述的出发点
A database for career planning and succession职业发展和继承的数据库
An objective reference to solve titling issues解决职称问题的客观参考
A means of market comparison


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