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高层营销概述(ppt 53页)


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高层营销High Touch Selling
目标Program Objectives
在高层营销中,我们面临的困扰和问题Why are we here?
谁是客户内部的高层?Who is the HIGH and where?
高层的定义Who is the HIGH?
客户金字塔The Org-Chart in target account
什么是“预算边界”?What’s the budget line?
进一步确认So, it means…
高层是什么样的人?Understanding the HIGH
高层面临的商业问题The Business dress of the HIGH
高层面临的个人问题The Personal Dress of the HIGH
高层客户对成功的理解Win to the HIGH
政治考虑Political / Personal
内部考虑Internal / Management
马斯洛需求层次理论The motivational Feature in Sales
你和你的客户是什么风格?What’s the style of you and your customers?
沟通风格-控制型The community style
沟通风格-倡导型The community style
沟通风格-分析型The community style
沟通风格-和善型The community style
你的客户和著名人士…So,Who are they?
硬币的两面Maybe, May not
高层客户期望看到的结果The desired result in their office
高层的独特之处What’s the difference with others?
高层的恐惧感What’s their weakness?
《追逐日光》Chasing Daylight
CEO人生中的六个圆圈6 rounds with CEO
如何进行高层营销?How to do High Touch Selling?
HIGH touch的基本困境:语言不通Different language
HIGH touch的沟通原则So, if you just talked about Siemens…
与高层交谈 Conversations with the HIGH
沟通的基本方法Communications with the HIGH
价值陈述模板Value Proposition-Example
HIGH touch的核心:知识交易Bartering Knowledge for Knowledge
你需要更多的知识So, You need more knowledge
决策流程Decision making and why it matters
现实是…The problem: nobody does it that way
人们是如何真实做决定的How people actually make decisions
接触模式Coverage Model
管理竞争关系How to manage the relationship?
商业价值 Business Value
处世哲学Philosophy and Policy
定义客户内部的关系主线Definition - Fundamental Lines
什么时候启动高层营销?When to do HIGH touch selling?
两个关键时刻2 key moments
成功的建议A Key to Success



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