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整合营销渠道--宝马案例(英文版)(ppt 51页)


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Allowing a full view of the BMW customer delivers smarter targeting and profit-generating up sell and cross sell opportunities
Which vehicle owners are best targets for credit cards?
How can BMW card owners increase the lifetime value of the vehicle owners?
Where are the pockets of our most profitable customers?
Which customers will deliver additional revenue through financial services products after they have disposed of their BMW?

Consistent measurement and enhancement of BMW marketing programs
Ability to prioritize prospects and customers based on their likelihood to buy
Identification of “low hanging fruit” – programs that  can be quickly implemented to generate revenue in the short term
Refinement of customer communications
Testing results against Control Groups

Increased communication effectiveness
Integrated database used by all groups
Increased efficiency – The right information to the right customer at the right time
Reduced communication expense
Fewer pieces mailed with higher effectiveness
Increased customer participation
Increased customer satisfaction
Increased corporate and center profits
A higher level of data from and about BMW customers.


上一篇:《海尔的营销网络》案例研讨(doc 11页)

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