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世界行销讲座之全球营销(PPT 20页)


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Chapter Learning Objectives
When you have completed your study of this chapter, you should be able to:
Define the marketing concept.
Define the objective of marketing.
Understand the basics of marketing planning.
Describe the evolution of the marketing concept.
Explain how marketing is important to both individual and business customers in the market place, in our daily lives, and in society.
Explain marketing’s role within an organization.



上一篇:《市场营销》教案--幻灯片(PPT 125页)

下一篇:关系营销学(PPT 30页)

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晋泉酒业的营销之道(ppt 75页)

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市场营销决策的基本程序(ppt 40页)

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