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茶馆选址及营销计划(英文版)(doc 15页)


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2.History and brief analyze of tea
3.Name and location of the Teashop
4.The teashop’s special characteristics and its market-oriented mission
5.The investment and profits analysis
8.Local teashop observation sheet
9.Teashop name and some picture


    Toronto is famous for its multi-culture. There are many different nations in this city. Among these nations, Indian and Chinese immigrants are the most.  Many Chinese or Indian people love to have a cup of traditional tea, instead of coffee during the day. They are not used to going to Tim Horton or Starbucks for meeting their friends and spent time alone. They need a place they can feel comfortable, and Asian. A tea place for ethnic community to social is on demand.
    Currently, tea is more popular than ever in North America. Cai, Quanbao (1998), the president of the Tea Association of the USA, forecasts the tea market and states that "tea will continue to grow at double digit rates over the next several years and might even exceed those expectations with increased marketing investment" (p10). The tea salons first appeared in New York City and have increased for the last several years (Tea time, 1998). Every indication is that there will be a strong market for tea in the United States for the next five or ten years (Barr, V. & Broudy, C.E. (1996). Canadians drink over 7 billion cups of tea each year (www.theteashop.com).
    On the basis of these literature research and market research in downtown Toronto, I am planning to open a teashop in downtown Toronto. I will detail my proposal in the following sections.



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