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精益生产价值流图(英文版)(ppt 31页)


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Ideal flow = 1 piece at a time
Rate determined by customer demand - Takt time
Work balanced for each person or machine
Travel distance for materials & people  minimized
Standard Work utilized
Flow what you can…  Pull what you can’t…
Requires that all steps in the process be:
Capable = Right every time
Available = Always able to run
Adequate = Capacity to avoid bottlenecks
Phases of Lean Journey
Phase 1-Identify/Map Value Streams
Phase 2-Prioritize opportunities
Phase 3-Utilize Lean tools to eliminate waste
Phase 4-Control the flow
Phase 5-Lean metrics
Phase 6-Re-evaluate Value Streams and begin again
It All starts with Waste Identification
Identify all forms of Waste throughout our entire Value Stream before:
Reducing the waste or
Eliminating the waste
This will enable us to prioritize our efforts and focus on the high potential events first.

上一篇:精实生产的衡量指标与价值流分析(ppt 158

下一篇:精益生产系统简介(ppt 126页)

精益生产方式与物料需求计划(ppt 37页)

精益生产LP初阶(PDF 34页)

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JIT精益生产培训实务之认识浪费与效率(ppt 47页)

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