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Compensation Management Tools and Techniques(英文版)(ppt 30页)


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Compensation Management Tools and Techniques(英文版)内容提要:
What is Job Evaluation?
Job evaluation is a decision process of comparing one job with another job with the aim of establishing the relative importance of jobs within the organization.
Job evaluation will provide an internally logical ranking of all jobs which will form the basis of the company’s salary structure

Job Evaluation Process:
1. Form a Job Evaluation Steering Committee
2. Draw up a workplan for the exercise
3. Decide on the benchmark jobs
4. Decide on the job factors for the evaluation
5. Determine number of degrees for each factor
6. Prepare job descriptions based on job-factor format
7. Analyse each benchmark job in terms of factors and degrees
8. Decide on the weights of each factor
9. Determine the weighted score for each benchmark job
10. Slot in all other jobs into the job grades

What is Know-How:
Know-How is the total of every kind of skill required for average acceptable job performance. It is knowledge and experience in professional, managerial and human Relations activities necessary to fulfill the job.
Know-How is measured in depth by eight degrees and in breadth by five degrees


上一篇:浅谈同业绩挂钩的薪酬体系(ppt 64页)


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