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Performance Management(英文版)(ppt 213页)


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Performance Management(英文版)内容提要:
Measuring productivity/ performance requires a system view of an organization or a unit of analysis.
Measuring productivity/ performance is common.
Understanding of impacts from low productivity is critical for management (competitiveness).
Understanding of unit dimensions and definitions are essential for measurement.

Basics on Measurement:
Mandated by the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) of 1993
 Federal agencies must be accountable and focus on improving service quality and customer satisfaction.
Coupled with the Government Management Reform Act of 1994 which emphasizes performance improvement and openness for annual financial audit (i.e., PART, activity-based management, performance-based contract, adaptive process for planning and budgeting, ownership cost, etc.)

Basics on Measurement:
Ratio format: useful for identifying KPI as well as enhancing the quality of information and of information analysis
Normalization for trend analysis, benchmarking, etc.
Consideration into changes in an organization (such as takeover, new product introduction, etc.)


上一篇:某公司绩效考核培训讲义(英文版)(ppt 15页

下一篇:针对不同员工的不同绩效管理方法(ppt 30页

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全程绩效管理讲座(二)(ppt 90页)

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