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Organization:Overview of Core Frameworks(英文)(ppt 91页)


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Organization:Overview of Core Frameworks(英文)内容提要:
We only achieve impact when the organizations we serve are successful in implementing the strategies and operational methods we propose.
However, a recent survey of engagements in which clients failed to implement proposed strategies found, in three cases out of four, that the client organization was not change-ready or even capable of implementing the strategy we proposed.
To ensure that we have impact, we need to consider organizational issues as we devise strategies. We must choose strategies the clients are ready and able to implement or complement our strategy work with investment in building the organization’s skills so that the organization can step up to the challenge the superior strategy poses..

The demand for organizational work is increasing.
Trends in the marketplace and the evolving nature of our clients largely explain this increase in demand.
The pace of change in the marketplace is accelerating . A strategic choice or an operational innovation evokes a rapid reaction from competitor. Rarely can a durable competitive advantage be found in these choices. Rather it is the development of a unique organizational capability with the inherent flexibility and commitment to sustain world-class performance that provides durable competitive advantage in these times of rapid change.
The clients we serve are changing as well. They have increasingly hired in-house strategic capabilities. Most have built strategy shops close to the CEO. Few, however, have the in-house capability and objectivity to do the organizational work required to make change happen.

McKinsey’s consulting approach must evolve as our clients evolve. These changes provoke a shift in the nature of our work and an evolution of the role of the associate on engagements.
The increased demand for organizational work impacts associates directly. Associates are drawn into leadership roles on larger teams at an earlier point in their careers. This places greater emphasis on the need for associates to develop quite soon after joining McKinsey-superb team leadership skills.


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