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工作分析与弹性工作计划(ppt 28页)


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Objectives 学习目标:
Discuss the relationship between job requirements and the performance of HRM functions.讨论工作要求和人力资源管理职能的绩效两者之间的关系。
Indicate the methods by which job analysis typically is completed.指出完成工作分析的方法。
Identify and explain the various sections of job descriptions.确定和解释工作说明的各个部分。

Benefits of Employee Teams  优点:
Increased integration of individual skills
Better performance (quality and quantity) solutions to unique and complex problems
Reduced delivery time
Reduced turnover and absenteeism
Accomplishments among team members

Adcouncil Flexible Work Schedule Policy
MITRE's flexible work arrangement
Flexible work schedule---Cleveland state university
FWA-Case Studies


上一篇:工作分析、人力资源规划与招募详述(ppt 2

下一篇:公司人力调配员工作细则(doc 66页)

某新材料有限公司品质部调研内容(DOC 49页)

基于业务流程的工作分析方法及应用(doc 5页)

公共部门工作分析与评价概述(PPT 55页)

分析报告的撰写思路与工作流程(ppt 44页)

某公司工作分析与职务说明书概论(doc 20页)

物业管理工作监督检查规定(doc 12页)

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