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人力资源管理英文专业词汇-英文版(doc 5页)


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Cafeteria benefit programs :Cafeteria benefit programs allow employees toselect the fringe benefits and services that answer their individual needs.
career :A career is all the jobs that are held during one's working life.
career counseling  :Career counseling assists employees in finding appropriate career goals and paths.career development  Career development consists of those experiences and improvements that one undertakes to achieve a career plan.
career goals : Career goals are the future positions that one strives to reach. These goals serve as benchmarks along one's career path.
career path :A career path is the sequential pattern of jobs that form one'scareer.
career planning :Career planning is the process by which one selects career goals and paths to those goals.
career plateau : A career plateau occurs when an employee is in a position he or she does well enough not to be demoted or fired but not wellenough to be promoted.
change agents : Change agents are people who have the role of stimulatingchange within a group.
checkoff :A checkoff provision in a union-management labor agreement requires the employer to deduct union dues from employee paychecks and to remit those moneys to the union.


上一篇:HR专业词汇用语(doc 6页)

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