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战略人力资源管理培训讲义(ppt 19页)(英文版)


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To create a return on the investment in our workforce, leadership and Human Resources must—
Assess the capacity of management to take on new challenges;
Determine the capability of Human Resources to provide guidance and support;
Establish accountability at all levels for achieving results.
Leadership must take action.
Align resources with agency mission and priorities.
Create structures for setting performance expectations.
Establish processes that hold people accountable.
Managers at all levels—from the executives to front-line supervisors—are responsible for effectively managing the workforce.
Aligns employees with agency missions to achieve the greatest public benefit.
Values employees – our greatest asset – with fairness, dignity, and respect.
Ensures high-performance government that responds to changing public needs.
Supports Governor’s directive on Government Management, Accountability and Performance (GMAP)
We have a simple, powerful vision:
State employees perform at their best and understand that their efforts contribute to achieving the mission of their agency.
Managers are held accountable for producing the best results at the best cost.
Citizens receive true value for their investment in state government.



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