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工作分析,雇员参与和弹性工作计划(PPT 28页)


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Discuss the relationship between job requirements and the performance of HRM functions.讨论工作要求和人力资源管理职能的绩效两者之间的关系。
Indicate the methods by which job analysis typically is completed.指出完成工作分析的方法。
Identify and explain the various sections of job descriptions.确定和解释工作说明的各个部分。

4.  Provide examples illustrating the various factors that must be taken into account in designing a job.举例说明工作设计应考虑的因素。
Discuss the various job characteristics that motivate employees.讨论能够激励雇员的不同的工作特点。
Describe the different group techniques used to maximize employee contributions.描述能使雇员贡献最大化的团队技巧。
Differentiate and explain the different adjustments in work schedules.区分和解释调整工作时间的各种方法。



上一篇:工作分析(英文PPT 57页)

下一篇:工作分析、人力資源規劃與招募(PPT 24页)

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