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人力资源管理自查体系(DOC 34页)


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Department Organization Questionnaire
    The Human Resources Department is structured, organized and equipped to provide overall strategy, direction and effective management of the organization’s human resources function to accomplish organizational objectives.
1. Is there one department or function within the organization that is responsible and accountable for planning, establishing, overseeing and coordinating all human resource policies, systems and services for all 11 major categories?
2. Does the senior-level human resources manager report to the same level position as all other major staff and line departments within the organization?
3. Does the senior human resources manager participate in addressing the organization’s strategic, tactical and policy issues?
4. Does the senior human resources manager integrate all HR activities with the organization’s strategic business plan.
5. Does the Human Resources department demonstrate a clear understanding of organizational and customer needs?
6. Are HR services and functions aligned and prioritized to organizational and customer needs?


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