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培训师基础理论培训教材(英文版)(ppt 72页)


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We Present Every Day!
1、Not just conference talks….
Product group meetings
BillG / TAB meetings
Preamble to a demo
Convince a product group to be interested
Present patent to a lawyer
Present a group result at offsite
“Elevator” talks
Verbal Skills:
1、Be simple and clear!
Don’t ramble.
Stop to think if you need to.
Example one: Dan Quayle celebrates democracy:
Example two: Dan Quayle trying to say “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”
2、Speaking is not like writing!!!
Use simple words.
Don’t use complex sentences.
Can you understand this:
3、Don’t use ambiguous words in speech.
4、Project & resonate your voice.
5、No “UM”s and “ER”s.  (Pause instead).
6、Silence is a tool (To draw attention).
Play your voice with pitch and tempo.
To amplify a point, slow down, speak loudly, exaggerate inotation, pause in the right places.
“You are right.  I am wrong”     
-- Stalin to Trotsky
“Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”    -- John F. Kennedy
BAD EXAMPLE : “I welcome this kind of examination, because people have to know whether their president is a crook.  Well, I’m not a crook.”    
-- Richard M. Nixon
Don’t use it everywhere!



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