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某公司官方培训手册(英文版)(ppt 31页)


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FEM Simulation of NC Machining Processes;
1. To predict the effects of insitu residual stress redistribution due to complex 3D machining of bulk components. 
2. To streamline process design so as to minimize part fit-up issues.
Bottomline : To reduce  manufacturing cycle time thereby achieving productivity improvement and cost savings.
Approach: Pseudo-simulation of machining process through automated material removal using NC cutting files (apt or cl files) as input.
Assumption: Apriori residual stresses in depth of work-piece influence resulting distortions more than surface residual stresses introduced by cutting process.
Companies that have been using Approach:
Boeing, UTC (Sikorsky), Embraer, Picheney
Product : Solver - MSC.Marc 2005, GUI - MSC.Marc Mentat 2005


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