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PerformanceManagementBeidaPresentation(ppt 26页)(英文)


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The Current Challenge of Performance Management
The HR process—
Is completely unrelated to other key business processes
Is dreaded by managers and employees alike
Does not result in any meaningful feedback
Does not differentiate performance or pay
Is a focus for only one or two days—or hours—per year
Imagine a system that could—
Increase the likelihood that your strategy is effectively executed
Harness and direct the 10–60 minutes a day of discretionary effort that every one of your employees has
Rationalize and focus the number of goals that anyone in your organization has
Improve the decisive dialogue that occurs in your organization
Reward performance in a way that it is motivating and engages people
Differentiate performance in ways that make line managers feel good about their decisions



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绩效管理培训讲义(PPT 65页)

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绩效考核体系的目的及原则(doc 34页)

绩效考核体系管理流程(PPT 1页)

绩效管理的阶段(ppt 31页)

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