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Environmental Template (PET), a set of metrics and standards used to assess new product designs.  new product design and as a standard part of product development.
*Motorola has introduced the Product  *Motorola has begun to implement the PET in
Tier 1: Product Environmental Template
Energy use Hazardous materials‘properties Packaging to product ratio Recyclability Hazardous materials Plastics marking Regrind qualification Documenting a product and packaging End-of-Life strategy
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Tracking and Checklist Metrics *Tracking includes measures of  *Checklist includes using Motorola standards for
PET Metrics
Number of MaterialsMassHazardous Materials’PropertiesEnergyRecycled ContentDisassembly TimeCost of DisposalRecyclability
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Advisor”(GDA) for analyzing recyclability
Tier 2: Green Design Advisor (GDA) *Motorola’s “Green Design  *Parts and connectivity model  *Eight Environmental Criteria:

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