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德国公司进入中国市场策略项目建议书英文(ppt 36页)


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A. Fierce competition from international and domestic players has imposed  3
      great challenge on Henkel 
B.  To achieve turnaround, Henkel should adopt an aggressive expansion strategy  10
C. Roland Berger will help develop the appropriate strategy: project outline 12
D.  Project organization and time frame  22
E.    Value of the project  12
F.    Roland Berger is a best partner of Henkel to exploit China detergent market: 12
       selected reference
Annex A: Case study - Qiqiang 32
Annex B: Case study - P&G 42


Through acquiring distributors from P&G, Dosia chose Liaoning province as its initial entry area
In Heilongjiang and Jilin province, competitors are not so strong as that in other parts of China. local brands, such as Tiantian, are in dominant positions, so Dosia chose these two province as subsequent penetration areas
Competition is in choas in Shandong, and distribution network is not well regulated with lots of small distributors/wholesalers competing with each other, so it is easy for Dosia to penetrate the market and cultivate its qualified disbition channel
In order to guarantee the success, channel penetration is also backed up by strong advertisement champaign
Low  end market account for over 50% of total market and is especially large in the low  developing North and West of China
Middle-end product take a higher share in East and South of China
High end market is comparatively higher in south market because of its high income level and accptance of concentrate powder


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