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MBAIntroductoryTrainingTheArtofConsulting英文(ppt 62页)


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At the end of this session, you will walk away with rules of thumb to help you thrive in the PwC consulting environment.
Toward this end, the session will help provide:
a greater understanding of how the firm will evaluate your performance and the implications for what you need to do and how you need to do it
a greater awareness of what you can expect when you arrive on a project and an understanding of how you can contribute
new (or refreshed) skills for data gathering and interviewing
a preliminary personal development plan for the next 6-12 months
Welcome and Introduction
Warm-up Activity:  “Traits of an effective PwC consultant …”
Roles & Responsibilities of a Consultant
Project Overview
Table discussions -- “Consultant Critical Success Factors/Behaviors …”
Data Gathering & Interviewing
Personal Development Planning
Individual planning
Summary and Closing Activity
Table Discussions -- “What recommendations would you have for next year’s MBAs?”



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