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国际化策略(ppt 26页)


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Motivations for International Expansion
Increase Market Share
domestic market may lack the size to support efficient scale manufacturing facilities
Return on Investment
large investment projects may require global markets to justify the capital outlays
weak patent protection in some countries implies that firms should expand overseas rapidly in order to preempt imitators
Motivations for International Expansion
Economies of Scale or Learning
expanding size or scope of markets helps to achieve economies of scale in manufacturing as well as marketing, R & D or distribution
can spread costs over a larger sales’ base
increase profit per unit
Location Advantages
low cost markets may aid in developing competitive advantage
may achieve better access to:

International Business-Level Strategy: Determinants of National Advantage
Factors of production: the inputs necessary to compete in any industry
natural resources
basic factors include natural and labor resources
advanced factors include digital communication systems and educated workforce
Demand conditions: characterized by the nature and size of buyers’ needs in the home market for the industry’s goods or services
size of market segment can lead to scale-efficient facilities
efficiency can lead to domination of the industry in other countries
specialized demand may create opportunities beyond national boundaries



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