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领导力格言简介(ppt 20页)


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Small companies and start-ups don't have the time for analytically detached experts.  They don't have the money to subsidize lofty elites, either.  The president answers the phone and drives the truck when necessary; everyone on the payroll visibly produces and contributes to bottom-line results or they're history.  But as companies get bigger, they often forget who "brought them to the dance": things like all hands involvement, egalitarianism, informality, market intimacy, daring, risk, speed, agility.  Policies that emanate from ivory towers often have an adverse impact on the people out in the field who are fighting the wars or bringing in the revenues.  Real leaders are vigilant, and combative, in the face of these trends.
小公司和剛開始起步的公司無法好整以暇的找分析專家 他們也沒什麼錢可以供奉上國的精英階級.必要時總經理也得親自接電話或者送貨.  每個列名帳冊上的員工都會對他公司的盈虧有貢獻. 可是當公司變大之後, 他們經常忘了是什麼條件讓他們有開始時那般的活力的:像是全面參與,平等, 不拘泥形式,貼近市場, 大膽, 冒險, 速度, 靈活. 從象牙塔出來的政策通常對衝鋒陷陣的人產生反效果. 實際的領導人要對這些趨勢有所警惕


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